League of Comic Geeks

Sign up for a free account with them using the link below.
Search for your favorite series via the "Search" option on the left. Then "Pull Series" once you have found what you are looking for.
Sync your Pull List with Boomerang Comics by searching for us in "Stores" on the left! Come on by on release dates to get your comics!
There are further instructions along with policies listed below! Please review them as needed. Thank you!
Hello and welcome to Boomerang Comics!!! As a new subscriber, we use League of Comic Geeks in order to keep track of and maintain your pulls. This is a web-based service that gives subscribers complete control of their pull box, from main titles to variants, and keeps orders as accurate as possible!
To get your new pull set up, go to leagueofcomicgeeks.com or download the League of Comic Geeks app and create an account. Once you have an account created or if you already have an account created, please follow the steps listed below, depending on if you are using the Website or mobile app
Website: From the main page, click “Stores” on the tab bar to the left, click browse stores, then enter in Boomerang Comics zip code (75067). Once you have the Boomerang Comics official account open, click ‘/“Sync Pull List” and enter in the asked information (First name, last name, and phone number) once information is entered, hit accept and we are connected! From there, feel free to go through and add any titles you may be interested in, add specific variant covers you may be interested in and we will pull your titles like normal going forward!
Mobile app: From the main page, click the search button in the bottom right corner, then click the search bar. In the tab below the search ba,r click stores. Enter in Boomerang Comics zip code (75067) and click the Boomerang Comics profile. Once on the store's official profile, click the three dots in the top right corner, then “Connect & Sync Pull List”. Enter in the requested information (First name, last name, and phone number) and hit accept in the top right corner. The page will say that your pull is pending with Boomerang Comics, it will be approved as soon as possible. From there, feel free to go through and add any titles you may be interested in, add specific variant covers you may be interested in and we will pull your titles going forward!
For anyone with certain variant requests, you will have to go in every month to request what variant you want. With our past system, we have been able to automatically pull specific covers of each issue (example being: pulling just Batman cover B or Amazing Spider-Man cover D) but unfortunately with League of Comic Geeks, this is not something that they offer. You will have to add the specific cover each month to your pull. The plus side to this, however, is that you will now be able to see and select whichever variant you would like, and you are not beholden to a certain series code. Furthermore, things like annuals are included as part of the series codes, and will be automatically pulled for people who subscribe to the series. You can also choose to opt out of receiving annuals if you would like.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (972) 315-5291 or info@boomerangcomics. If you have any internal questions about the League of Comic Geeks workings or website/app, follow the Help Tab on their website/app for any questions or contact to their customer service.
We are happy to have you as a subscriber with us. Listed below are a few general rules and guidelines to maintain a pull list with us, as well as our rules and procedures for cancellation. This system is built to help ensure accurate ordering and guarantee yourself a copy.
You may add as many or as few comics as you would like to your pull list. Our system also allows you to preview and preorder variant covers should you prefer.
We ask that you pick up all of your comics within 28 days of their release. You will receive a phone call from us a week before the 28 day deadline to inform you of the comics that need to be picked up along with a deadline day to be picked up by.
Once the deadline has been passed, you will receive one additional call reminding you to pick up your books. All subscriptions will be canceled a week after the 2nd call.
If you have a comic in your pull that you wish to put back on the wall, we require you to buy the comic as all of our pulls have been ordered specially for our Subscribers. Failure to purchase books in the subscription box will result in a subscription cancellation.
Once you have added 5 comics into your pull, you will be given a 10% discount on all single comics you purchase under your name.
Please note that certain titles may have passed their ordering date by the time you add them to your pull list. Should this be the case, the next issue does have a risk of not being pulled for you. However, we are often able to reorder books, so feel free to have us check if something is not in your box that you think should be.
Should you have any other questions or comments, feel free to let us know! We are always happy to help.
Once again, we welcome you to Boomerang Comics, and hope your experiences keep you coming back.